Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Episode 13


Chris and Hideous rant about: Halloween, being drunk, getting stoned and recording a podcast, Chris' stoner exploits, stoned in front of your mom, Hideous' show tales, slipknot comparisons, King Diamond's serious level, talking mallcore, Chris' vaginal exploits, Kange's quotes, Chris' bitch's bitches, Chris' assholeism in check, a real public service announcement, good bands with scene names, post hxc a real genre?, Chris' love songs to his women =), Hideous' new segment, alex_martin enough said, body count on cuntcast, Cuntcast rap episode, we're happy and shit gets fucked up!, people who think Chris is hot, Chris and Hideous "p0s3r f4gz"???, myspace drama, goats and what to add, Chris bashes the forumers, tit talk, failure and it lol, The Mentors love songs and phrases, Church of Hideous preachings, Dilapidated Hooker Twat twatdate and talk, the Dilapidated Hooker Twat music video, gay fags on myspace, Politics on cuntcast, don't vote, and more!


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